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Knights of Columbus, #1325
A Catholic, family, fraternal and service organization dedicated to the principals of charity, fraternity, and patriotism. Contact Grand Knight, Gary Feltis at 785-639-2352
Meetings are first Tuesday off the month.
Knights of Columbus Officers
Grand Knight - Gary Feltis
Chaplain - Fr. Matthew Cowan
Deputy Grand Knight - Zach Stadelman
Chancellor - Joseph Desch
Recorder - Eric Augustine
Financial Secretary - Mark Herl
Treasurer - Larry Staab
Advocate - open
Warden - Ed Prewo
Inside Guard - Irv Leiker
Outside Guard - Allen Schmidt
1st Year Trustee - Roger Rife
2nd Year Trustee - Don Simmons
3rd Year Trustee - Dennis Schmidt
Lectern - open
Knights of Columbus Field Agent
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