St. Joseph Parish is a Stewardship Parish. Giving back to God the fruits of our labors in Time, Talent and Treasure for the good of the parish.
The purpose of the Stewardship Commission is to assist the faithful of the patish in understanding stewardship as a Way of Life and to encourage disciples to recognize God as the origin and Source of Life and the Giver of every spiritual and material gift we possess. "As Christians Stewards, we receive God's gifts gratefully, cultivate them responsibly, share them lovingly in justice with other, and return them with increase to the Lord."
To spearhead the renewal process for St. Joseph Parish.
To publish stewardship items throughout the year in the parish bulletin.
To encourage support of stewardship through the general intercessions at Mass.
To annually publish in the bulletin the "St Joseph Parish Family Sheet" with parish commissions and organizations with respective contact names.
To provide bulletin items and parish announcements to keep the Gospel message of stewardship fresh.
To annually evaluate the renewal process
Members of the Stewardship Commission should be spritually motivated, be actively involved in the parish, exemplify by living out the stewardship way of life, envision where stewardship can take the parish, be accountable, and be willing to share their faith with outhers.
Commission Members
Terry Leiker - Chair
Joyce Dinges
Jeanne Geist
Irvin Leikere
Amy Schaffer - No Email of file
Allen Schmidt

God our Father,
You are the source of life
and every blessing.
All that we have comes from You.
Help us to walk in your ways
as faithful disciples of Jesus.
As good stewards of
your many blessings
teach us to receive your
gifts gratefully,
cultivate them responsibly,
share them in
justice and love
with others, and return
them with increase
to You, our Father.
We ask this through Christ our Lord,
Who came that we might have life,
and have it abundantly.