St. Joseph Food Pantry and Diaper Closet
Mission: Under the direction of St. Joseph Pastoral Council, the St. Joseph Food Pantry provides food for the physical hunger of people in our county who are in need, while the Diaper Closet provides diapers and wipes to the littlest members of our community. The food pantry opened its doors in 2001 and continues to serve anyone who is in need of food/diaper support in Ellis County, making a commitment to support life across the ages.
When We're Open & Where
The St. Joseph Food Pantry and Diaper Closet are always open every 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month from 9:00 a.m. to Noon. The pantry/diaper closet is located in the large red brick school building in the back parking lot of St. Joseph Church. To enter, come in through doors 25 & 26 to the cafeteria. Those receiving support are asked to provide the name, address and birthdate of each person in the household, and a phone number for the household.
To Donate: Nonperishable food items may be dropped off in the drop-off barrels located inside doors 25&26 of the Parish School Building between 8am & 3pm Monday - Friday. Please contact Renee directly at the parish office if you have a perishable donation to share.
To Volunteer: Volunteers are always needed. Please send an email to inquire about open spots on the Pantry Day you would like to volunteer.
Want to send us an e-mail? Use the box below to contact us.
St. Joseph Parish Office
215 W. 13th
Hays, Ks. 67601
Food Pantry Coordinator
Renee Michaud